A Cat’s Adventure or Four? Now you see them now you don’t!

A Cat’s Adventure or Four? Now you see them now you don’t!

Hello Everyone, Life is a constant Journey and Tuesday, February 11th, 2020 was by no means an ordinary day in our house. The time was 8:00pm ish when we discovered the screen door was accidentally left open and instead of having four cats in our house we had ZERO! There are four of us so we thought get to work everyone and we will abscond the four trill seeking cats, surely we will see the glowing eyes in the darkening sky. We brought a flashlight and scanned the garden. No one moved….but nothing. We were either way behind or the cats were playing us……. After calling and whistling, the very obedient young cat, named Lucky appeared from over the fence. Aha we had a direction. Aishling brought Lucky in, then we heard our elderly cat Muffin (aged 15) second one down. Then, nothing.

We decided to go around the front of the house, check the bushes, the road, the drains, everywhere but unfortunately no luck! The children and daddy continued to call and make every meow sound possible as I walked around to the house behind us with the flashlight, surely they couldn’t have gone far! Had I mistaken the intelligence of our wonderful cats! I wonder!
I was now on the road parallel to our road, our back garden meets theirs. I was listening for a squeak, from our squeaky cat, named Squeaker or the dangling of his bell on his bright red collar or Kiwi’s low meow…but nothing. The sky was dark, the street was quiet. I asked God oh where oh where are the two remaining cats! I got a feeling almost like a vibration to continue walking up the road, at the top of the road, on my left hand side, just walking beside the bushes was Kiwi. Our big grey and white male cat. He has been out before so his reaction was no surprise. Like what are you doing here? He protested as I carried him all the way home. Now one small young cat to go named Squeaker! Squeaker is the black and white cat in the photo below with the bright red collar! Jon came out and we both walked up and down the street but again no luck! Squeaker had just vanished. We decided to go back to the house, put out some food, leave the door open and PRAY! What happened next was just short of amazing! Out of the blue in a light meditation I asked the angels to show me where Squeaker was. They didn’t show me but told me he was hiding. Then they said 11:00pm. I thought and said out loud without any thought process “God please send Squeaker back and I will write!” Where did that come from?

Jon sat outside and read waiting for Squeaker to come back. I went to bed to pray some more and hand it over to God. It was almost 11:00pm but I fell asleep weary! I woke up wide awake in the bed an hour later, the clock was just about to strike 12 Midnight! I walked straight out to the screened porch and there waiting to come in was Squeaker. All the food had been eaten and our one year old male cat sauntered in like Elvis! If you can visualize a cat walking like Elvis you”II know what I mean, cooler than cool. Oh if only I could understand Cat language, I would probably hear how he was almost bitten by a snake, eaten by a hawk, dived into a pool and made it out all in a span of four hours etc. etc.!

The story here though is did Squeaker do me a favor or was it all part of the master plan, you see I did tell God that if he returned Squeaker I would write…and he did return Squeaker so hence I am either in big trouble now or will do as I am told….I am without a doubt very grateful as are my husband, daughter and son. and I will laugh at God’s master plan and the trick that was played! How is God working with your animals or the people around you today to get you moving? Please share you thoughts! Have a wonderful thought provoking loving life day! ……Amen……

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